Coffee for a better tomorrow

Discover premium coffee, roasted with passion and packed in biodegradable capsules. The unforgettable and everlasting experience for your coffee delight.


for the authentic coffee flavours


supported by numerous tests or certificates


biodegradable capsules, with care for our planet
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Pri naročnini 3x paket po 10 kapsul prihraniš kar 23,00 % ob prvem naročilu. Odkrij vse okuse in izberi najljubšega.
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Razišči svet kave, odkrij naše strasti, inovacije in nasvete za nepozabno kavno izkušnjo!


Brezplačna pokušina kave v Pražarni v Ljubljani.
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Pri naročnini 3x paket po 10 kapsul prihraniš kar 23,00 % ob prvem naročilu. Odkrij vse okuse in izberi najljubšega.
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Razišči svet kave, odkrij naše strasti, inovacije in nasvete za nepozabno kavno izkušnjo!
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Brezplačna pokušina kave v Pražarni v Ljubljani.
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Super za espresso
Paket - 10 kapsul
Specialty Grade kava
0,59€ / kapsulo
Super z mlekom
Paket - 10 kapsul
Specialty Grade kava
0,59€ / kapsulo
Hišna mešanica
Paket - 10 kapsul
Specialty Grade kava
0,59€ / kapsulo

Discover excellent specialty grade coffee in the Blend Me Up capsules.

Discover the great benefits of Blend Me Up coffee, roasted with passion and dedication in Ljubljana. Our coffee is more than just a drink, it is an experience that takes you into the world of extraordinary flavours.

What do Blend Me Up customers think about our coffee?

Ocenjeno z 4,6/5 na podlagi 1267 mnenj

Okus mi je zelo všeč. Zelo okusena kavna kapsula. Predstavil jih bom v naši pisarni, kjer je veliko ljubiteljev kave.


Odlična kava, verjetno najboljši kavni zrn, kar sem jih poskusil. Dejstvo, da so stroki primerni za kompostiranje doma, je še boljši. Dobro opravljeno!


Zelo sem navdušena nad temi kavnimi kapsulami, ki jih je mogoče kompostirati doma. Končno kavna kapsula, ki ne škoduje našemu okolju.


Vedno z veseljem podpiram mala pojetja z odličnimi idejami. Hišna mešanica je moja najljubša. Odlično z mlekom ali samostojno.


Nikoli več ne bom kupila Nespresso kavnih kapsul. Ne samo da lahko kapsulo vržemo v kompostnik, ampak je tudi okus boljši!


Damir's story

The true love and passion for coffee - Damir and his expertise

About me

Passion, dedication and love for coffee.
I developed the passion for coffee culture at a young age and with every step through life a deep desire to understand and create unique coffee experiences arose. My journey was full with a-ha moments, that now shape the vision of Blend Me Up.

The love for coffee

Passion for coffee - my beginnings
For me, coffee is more than just a drink; It is an art, a passion and a lifestyle. With every sip, I jump into its secrets, develop new flavours and share this magical experience with coffee lovers around the world.


Foundation of my coffee expertise
Intensive workshops and certificate training, were key to developing my skills and knowledge. Every module, every level contributed to achieving the prestigious Coffee Skills diploma and laying the foundation for Blend Me Up.


Unique flavors, created in Pražarna.
In the heart of Pražarna, where aromas and flavours mingle, I also develop and create unique blends. By knowing the different varieties and roasting them perfectly, I have achieved the harmony of flavours that defines our coffee.

Blend me up

Birth of the unique coffee symphony
With the start of the Blend Me Up project, I combined my love for coffee and deep care for our planet. I have developed biodegradable capsules that preserve freshness and taste and offer a unique coffee experience with environmental responsibility in mind.

Damir's story

The true love and passion for coffee - Damir and his expertise

About me

Passion, dedication and love for coffee.
I developed the passion for coffee culture at a young age and with every step through life a deep desire to understand and create unique coffee experiences arose. My journey was full with a-ha moments, that now shape the vision of Blend Me Up.

The love for coffee

Passion for coffee - my beginnings
For me, coffee is more than just a drink; It is an art, a passion and a lifestyle. With every sip, I jump into its secrets, develop new flavours and share this magical experience with coffee lovers around the world.


Foundation of my coffee expertise
Intensive workshops and certificate training, were key to developing my skills and knowledge. Every module, every level contributed to achieving the prestigious Coffee Skills diploma and laying the foundation for Blend Me Up.


Unique flavors, created in Pražarna.
In the heart of Pražarna, where aromas and flavours mingle, I also develop and create unique blends. By knowing the different varieties and roasting them perfectly, I have achieved the harmony of flavours that defines our coffee.

Blend me up

Birth of the unique coffee symphony
With the start of the Blend Me Up project, I combined my love for coffee and deep care for our planet. I have developed biodegradable capsules that preserve freshness and taste and offer a unique coffee experience with environmental responsibility in mind.

Q Grade 85+

Vsa naša kava je ocenjena z 85+ točkami na mednarodni lestvici. Tako skrbimo, da imamo v ponudbi le najvišjo kvaliteto kave.

IFS Food

All of our coffees are rated 85+ points in international ratings. This is what we stand for with our name; our coffee is a synonym for the highest quality.

Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)

A global community where sustainability and equity are at the forefront of the premium coffee industry.

TUV Austria - Home Compostable

The OK compost HOME certificate guarantees complete biodegradability of home compost.

How our coffee gets into your cup


Enjoy every sip of our specialty grade coffee

We guarantee easy preparation and consistency in terms of taste and aroma; and that with every cup of coffee.


Farmers and plantations

We purchase only specialty grade coffee beans that are hand-picked and of the highest quality, with 100% traceability.


Filling capsules

Biodegradable capsules are immediately filled with freshly ground coffee beans in a controlled atmosphere to preserve freshness and aroma.


Coffee delivery to Pražarna

Each batch of specialty grade coffee is carefully inspected and stored under appropriate, controlled conditions to maintain quality.


Coffee beans roasting

Specialty grade coffee is made with the so-called light roasting method that highlights the characteristic aromas while preserving the quality and aroma of the original beans.

How our coffee gets into your cup

Farmers and plantations

We purchase only specialty grade coffee beans that are hand-picked and of the highest quality, with 100% traceability.

Coffee delivery to Pražarna

Each batch of specialty grade coffee is carefully inspected and stored under appropriate, controlled conditions to maintain quality.

Coffee beans roasting

Specialty grade coffee is made with the so-called light roasting method that highlights the characteristic aromas while preserving the quality and aroma of the original beans.

Filling capsules

Biodegradable capsules are immediately filled with freshly ground coffee beans in a controlled atmosphere to preserve freshness and aroma.

Enjoy every sip of our specialty grade coffee

We guarantee easy preparation and consistency in terms of taste and aroma; and that with every cup of coffee.

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View current posts

Exclusive: Journey into the heart of the Blend Me Up roastery

Welcome to an exclusive journey that takes you to the heart of one of the most innovative coffee roasters in the region – Blend Me Up Pražarna. This unique experience will show you how the magical flavors you enjoy every day in your cup of coffee are created. Selection of perfect beans It all starts […]

In detail: How Blend Me Up preserves the freshness and quality of its coffee

In the world of coffee, freshness is king. But how does a coffee capsule manufacturer ensure that every cup their customers enjoy retains the original quality and richness of flavors characteristic for freshly roasted coffee beans? Blend Me Up, the innovative premium biodegradable coffee capsule company, offers revolutionary methods to keep your coffee fresh from […]

Blend Me Up: A story full of passion, innovation and a sustainable future

In a world where everything seems to evolve around speed and efficiency, there is something that makes us stop; a moment that we want to capture, even if only for a short time. This is the moment when we have a cup of, treat yourself coffee. At Blend Me Up we take this moment very […]

The journey from bean to cup: Discover the sustainable journey of Blend Me Up coffee

Every morning, millions of people wake up with the same desire: to drink a cup of fresh, fragrant coffee that promises a new beginning. But there are few who truly understand the journey coffee has to make, before it reaches their cups. At At Blend Me Up, we understand that every step along the way […]


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Naši okusi


Okusi mlečne čokolade in lešnikov, ki jim sledijo značilne brazilske note dušenega sadja, ki spominjajo na jabolčno pito.

Inteziteta 6/10


Bogata, a sadna in zrela skodelica z notami ribeza, ki jih podpira globoka karamelna sladkoba.

Inteziteta 8/10

Hišna mešanica

Poln in bogat okus ter sladki okusi, kot so čokolada, karamela, oreščki, začimbe in pridih rdečega sadja ter jasmina. Zelo uravnotežen, zaokrožen, gladek občutek v ustih in kompleksni okusi.

Inteziteta 7/10